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Welcome to our council

march madness pool

Here's how it works.


Anyone who is "eligible" to be a Knight can play.   If you decide to participate in the pool please follow the instructions below.  We ask for a $20 donation (no less, no more) per participant.   Our council will give away 50% of the equal total donations taken in by this pool to the highest scoring participant who donated per the rules.


We use to structure, signup, keep status, points, and updates on this pool.  There is no interaction from us on running this pool once you sign up.  The pool actually runs itself.  You do need a working email address to participate and you will be asked to create a login on to make your bracket selections which will put you in our Council Pool.   Unfortunately we have no training for this, or helpdesk. does have some instruction once you create a login and enter the site.  


All 100% of the donations will be used for local charities and our Council.


Just send an email to  "" to get started!   Or  Hit the Link below (Lets Go) to log in to our Pool or Create a Login then go our Pool.  





























Instructions and rules.   


  1. if you would like to participate, please send an email to "" indicating you want to participate in the pool.

  2. The email address you use to send to "" will be used for this pool.

  3. Next week you will receive a link sent to you from inviting you to create a login/or login to the site.

  4. You are allowed up to two (2) brackets, donation asked is $20 per bracket. 

  5. The March Madness games "brackets" will not be created until March 14th, which means you will not be able to make your selections for each game until after that date.   Games begin March 18th so your brackets will need to me filled out before then.  Email reminder will be sent out to participants. 

  6. If you donate, your donation MUST be in the hands of any of the following on or before March 14th, Dan Wiest, John Zitt, Tom Hebert, John Neville, or Bill Mahaney Cash or Check only.  (no I-owe-you, pay-ya-later, or credit cards, accepted)

  7. If you participate but did not make a donation, you will not be eligible for the Council 50% matching.

  8. There is no second, third, etc., benefit.

  9. March Madness games go from 3/18 to 4/5.


We encourage your participation and look for this to bring a little fun and excitement to the springtime along with helping to support our council.








© 2021 Knights of Columbus, Council #14463, Yorkville, IL.

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